The Town of Milton strives to be accessible in all communications to ensure materials are available for all members of the public. Applicants are not required to submit their application documents in an accessible format. To receive a copy of any of the plans and reports submitted with the development applications listed below, or you require in an accessible format, please contact us and the Town will provide you with the necessary documents.

Current development applications in Ward 2

Neatt Communities (Nipissing) Inc. - 560 Main St. E.

Town Files: Z-09/21 & LOPA-05/21

The applicant is proposing two residential towers with grade-related commercial uses. Both towers, with heights of 17 and 19 storeys respectively, are to be constructed on top of a mutual six-storey podium. In total, 588 residential units and 557 square metres of grade-related commercial spaces are proposed.

The Town and commenting agencies have reviewed the application and comments have been provided to the applicant.

Contact us if you have a comment on the development. Subscribe to receive updates directly to your inbox about this proposed development including its status and upcoming public meetings.

We will hold a statutory public meeting, where the community will be invited to gather information, identify possible issues and share feedback. Notice will be provided in advance of the meeting.

The following studies and drawings were submitted with the application.  They are currently under technical review by staff and commenting agencies. Please note, if you require an accessible version of these documents, please contact the Planning Department.

8283 Esquesing Line

Town File: Z-17/24

The applicant is seeking to re-zone the front portion of the subject lands from a Future Development (FD) Zone to a Business Park (M1) Zone. The intent of the re-zoning is to facilitate the development of an approximately 7,500 square metre warehouse that can accommodate a range of light industrial uses.

The Town is currently reviewing the application and a public information session will be hosted to provide details, the date and time has not been determined.

Contact us if you have a comment on the development. Subscribe to receive updates directly to your inbox about this proposed development including its status and upcoming public meetings.

Branthaven Fourth Line Inc. - 9755 Derry Road

Town Files: 24T-24003/M & Z-23/24

The applicant is proposing the development of the subject lands for a proposed residential plan of subdivision that includes a total of 365 residential dwelling units (comprised of 30 freehold townhouse dwelling units and 16 rear lane townhouse, 45 street townhouse, 114 back-to-back townhouse and 160 apartment condominium dwelling units), a watercourse channel with a trail system, a village square and an internal road system.

A Statutory Public Meeting has been scheduled for Monday, Dec. 9, 2024.

Contact us if you have a comment on the development. Subscribe to receive updates directly to your inbox about this proposed development including its status and upcoming public meetings.

8329 Esquesing Line

Town File: Z-02/25

The applicant is proposing to amend Zoning By-law 016-2014, as amended, and Zoning By-law 144-2003, as amended, to allow a transportation terminal with an approximately 1,200 square metre building. The applicant intends to re-zone the front portion of the lands from a Future Development (FD) Zone to a site-specific General Industrial (M2*XX) Zone along with an area proposed as Greenlands A (GA*XX) to establish an environmental buffer adjacent to the watercourse located on the site. 

The Town is currently reviewing the application and a public information session will be hosted to provide details, the date and time has not been determined.


A Statutory Public Meeting has been scheduled for Monday, March 17, 2025

Contact us if you have a comment on the development. Subscribe to receive updates directly to your inbox about this proposed development including its status and upcoming public meetings.