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Additional residential units – survey results
↓ ARU Guide

The Town is currently reviewing and updating its policies and regulations regarding additional residential units (ARUs). ARUs are self-contained dwelling units, with its own kitchen, sleeping and bathroom facilities, located on a lot containing a detached house, semi-detached house or townhouse.

ARUs are also referred to as additional dwelling units, secondary suites, accessory units, basement apartments, coach houses, laneway houses, garden suites, tiny homes, granny flats, in-law apartments or nanny suites.

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Current Project Status

ARUs in the Urban Areas

Milton Town Council approved amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit up to three additional residential units (ARUs) on a lot containing a detached house, semi-detached house or townhouse in the urban areas. As such, up to four residential units in total are now permitted on a residential lot with municipal water and sewage services. The amendments came into effect on June 25, 2024.

ARUs must adhere to the Zoning By-law, Ontario Building Code and Fire Code requirements. To apply for an ARU and to obtain a building permit, please visit the building permit page.

ARUs in the rural areas

The Town is in the process of reviewing and updating its policies and regulations regarding ARUs in the rural areas. Amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law are being drafted to permit ARUs in the rural areas where permitted by provincial policies.

Public meetings about ARUs in the rural areas will be held in Q1 2025.

ARU Guide

On April 1, 2025, the Town established a new registration program for Additional Residential Units (ARUs) to record critical emergency response information for Fire and Rescue Services, ensuring the safety of ARU occupants and overall compliance with municipal regulations and zoning by-laws for ARUs.

Residents must register their new or existing ARUs in person at Town Hall or online starting April 1. A one-time registration fee of $340 per ARU must be paid at the time of registration. The Town has created an ARU guide to help residents understand what is required when they construct an ARU on their property.

Community engagement

A statutory public meeting regarding the urban area polices and regulations was held on Monday, April 15, 2024. The recording of the public meeting can be watched through the Webstream on the Council Agenda. Public information sessions were also held on April 8 and April 11. A copy of the presentation can be reviewed here.

Additional residential units – survey results

The following key findings are summarized from an online survey that was conducted through Let’s Talk Milton to better understand residents’ views, opinions and concerns regarding ARUs within their communities.

ARU urban survey

Between March 28 and Oct. 31, 2023, the ARU urban survey received 375 responses. 86 per cent of respondents are homeowners and 7 per cent are renters of an urban property in Milton.

A little over half (53 per cent) of survey respondents believe there are significant benefits and opportunities that arise from the permission of ARUs in urban communities:

  • Respondents emphasize that ARUs provide multi-generational living options and allow for seniors to downsize and age in place.
  • The ability for homeowners to generate income to offset cost of living is one of the top reasons in support of ARUs.
  • Respondents also believe that ARUs can improve housing affordability in Milton and increase the Town’s rental housing stock.

Of the respondents interested in constructing an ARU(s) on their urban property:  

  • The top reasons are for earning income by renting out to long-term tenants and providing housing for children, parents or in-laws.
  • 51 per cent would like to create one unit in the basement, 31 per cent might want to add two units and 25 per cent might want to build a unit in a detached accessory building.

On the other hand, 45 per cent of respondents have concerns with the potential impact of ARUs in urban communities which include:

  • Parking and fire safety being the top two concerns;
  • Impact of increased density within existing neighbourhoods;
  • Increase of traffic on roads and strain on community services and facilities (i.e. schools, parks, etc.);
  • Concerns relating to building design including height and scale relative to existing buildings; and
  • ARUs being utilized for short-term rentals.

ARU rural survey

Between March 28 and Oct. 31, 2023, the ARU rural survey received 269 responses. 52 per cent of respondents own and live on a property within a hamlet, 30 per cent own and live on a rural residential property not located within a hamlet and 5 per cent own and live on a commercial farm in Milton.

A significant percentage of respondents (67 per cent) would like to add additional units on their rural property. Of the respondents interested in constructing an ARU(s):

  • The top reasons are for providing housing for children, parents or in-laws, and allowing seniors to downsize and age in place.
  • The majority are interested in constructing one unit within a detached accessory building.

A smaller percentage (23 per cent) of respondents have concerns regarding the potential impacts of permitting ARUs within the rural area.

Survey results show:

  • The greatest concern is with height and scale of ARUs, while separation from adjacent properties and impact on the character of the rural area are of lesser concern.
  • Water and sewage servicing capacity and impact on environmental lands/features are somewhat of a concern.
  • The majority of respondents are not very concerned about potential impact on farmland and agricultural operations.

The majority of respondents would not want ARUs being utilized for short-term rentals.