
Engage your audiences where they live and play. From naming rights for our state-of-the-art facilities to supporting one of our many programs or engaging as a sponsor with one of our award winning events, we offer comprehensive packages to invest in Milton. Contact us or call 905-878-7252 ext. 2220 and we’ll work with you to develop your custom sponsorship program that fits your needs and goals.


Contact us or call 905-878-7252 ext. 2220 to explore how you can increase your presence and engage with one of the fastest growing communities in Canada.

Our featured opportunities include:


With your help, we can expand our community programs to help ensure that Milton is a place of possibility for everyone.

Make A Donation

Explore our donation options:    

Commemorative trees and benches

We provide several options to acknowledge and celebrate community contributions and personal remembrance through our Commemorative Tree and Bench Program. 

Adopt-a-Park program

The Adopt-a-Park program is here to help keep our parks, and trails clean and safe. The goal of the Adopt-a-Park program is to help residents feel proud of their community. Local organizations and volunteers will work together to maintain great parks and trails to keep Milton outdoor spaces enjoyable and clean! Visit the program page for more information.