In order to keep all pets and residents safe, the Town of Milton's Animal Control By-law regulates pet care in our community. As a dog owner, you are required to get a dog licence each year. This helps us locate your dog if they go missing and keeps our family pets out of animal shelters.

Apply for a dog licence

You are able to purchase a dog licence for $52 using DocuPet. This online platform will help you register your dog with the Town of Milton. Follow the online, over the phone or in-person instructions. You can even set up an automatic yearly licence renewal. 

Cats do not require licences.

Report a concern

For animal welfare concerns, please contact 1-833-9ANIMAL (1-833-926-4625).

Lost and found pets

If your pet goes missing or you find a lost pet, you can contact DocuPet to make a report. 

Leash requirements

Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times in public spaces. This helps protect our animals and residents. Leashes should not exceed 2.1 metres.

How many dogs and cats can I have?

In order to ensure that all pets in Milton receive proper care, you can only have up to five dogs and cats on one property in an urban area. Of those five, a maximum of three can be dogs and a maximum of four can be cats.

In rural areas, you can have up to eight dogs and cats on your property. Of those eight, you can have a maximum of four dogs or six cats.