The Town of Milton shares responsibility when it comes to housing. We don’t build or administer housing, but we do help create conditions through long-term planning, facilitating approvals, and issuing permits.

Creating housing involves teamwork between the Town and the regional, provincial and federal governments, community partners, agencies, and the homebuilding industry.

To help address housing issues at the Town level, Milton is developing a Housing Strategy, in phases. This will start with a Housing Needs Assessment, and end with an Action Plan and Implementation Roadmap.

Watch for engagement opportunities on Let’s Talk Milton.

The Housing Strategy will identify:

  • A vision, goals, and objectives for housing in Milton.
  • Short-, medium-, and long-term actions to address housing affordability challenges.
  • What “affordable” is for Milton.
  • Housing targets based on the Town’s 2051 housing forecast for:
    • Tenure (owner or rental).
    • Density and structure type.
    • Size (# of bedrooms) for high-density structure types.
    • Affordable (below market units, excluding deeply affordable).
    • An implementation roadmap to help the Town achieve short-, medium- and long-term objectives and housing targets.

Phase 1: Housing Needs Assessment

The Town will begin developing a Housing Strategy by preparing a Housing Needs Assessment (HNA). This will follow federal government guidelines and will be published by March 31, 2025. The HNA will help us understand local housing need and identify preliminary gaps and issues to focus on. It will explore and answer questions such as:

  • Where is the greatest housing need in our community?
  • How can we set meaningful housing targets, and measure progress, to support the appropriate range of housing options that meets the needs of all residents?
  • What quantity, sizes and prices of housing will ensure that all current and future households can live in suitable, adequate, and affordable housing?

This will involve quantitative and qualitative data collection including interviews, a focus group, and a survey.

Phase 2: Identify Vision, Goals and Objectives

We will build upon the findings from the HNA, and work with the community to establish a vision, goals, and objectives for housing in Milton. We will also start to develop a preliminary list of actions the Town can consider incorporating into the Housing Affordability Strategy and Implementation Roadmap.

Phase 3: Identify Targets and Actions

Informed by feedback, we will work with the community to develop tailored housing targets aligned with Milton’s growth analysis and housing forecast. We will confirm actions to appear in the Housing Affordability Strategy and Implementation Roadmap. We will also prepare a first draft of the Housing Affordability Strategy and Implementation Roadmap for consultation.

Phase 4: Finalize Housing Affordability Strategy and Implementation Roadmap

Once we have reviewed comments on the draft Housing Affordability Strategy and Implementation Roadmap, we will consider revisions and present a final version to Council for approval.


Town of Milton Official Plan

Halton Region 2023 State of Housing report

Housing Needs Assessment