The Town of Milton plants street trees for the health and well-being of our environment. Large street trees provide cleaner air, cooler building and street level temperatures, shade, stormwater absorption and mitigation, and add beauty to our streets, parks and overall neighbourhoods.

Report a street tree concern

If you are concerned with the health of a street, park or woodlot tree near your property (but on Milton land), you can report your concern.

Tree removal

Before removing a tree, you need to make sure the tree is entirely on your property. If the tree is entirely on your property and removal is necessary, we recommend that you consult a certified arborist before removal.

Removing trees on Milton property

If a street tree needs to be removed because it is dead or appears stressed, you can report your concern.

Young tree removals

As part of our approach to young tree removal, we will remove several dead trees and stumps at one time. We don’t do individual removal works.

As a general rule, dead young tree removals and stumping occur in the fall and replacements take place in the following spring. 

Removing trees in the Region of Halton

If your property is more than 0.5 hectares in size and/or contained entirely within the Regional Greenlands System, then you need to review the Region of Halton regulations with regards to tree removals.

Tree trimming and pruning

The Town of Milton trims and prunes young trees in urban neighbourhoods every year, mainly in the warmer months – spring, summer and early fall. Generally, trees are pruned every five to 10 years, until they are fully mature.

This work is done for:

  • Tree health – addresses dead wood/branches and growth defects
  • Safety – maintains clearance over roads, sidewalks, homes, street lighting, etc.

Trimming helps trees mature with good health. Annual tree pruning results in beautiful mature trees that create a full canopy over the road.

Tree care tips

There are a few things you can do to care for trees on or near your property. In order for a tree to flourish, it needs intermittent deep watering during long periods of dry weather. This is especially true for young street trees. Young trees require more water and care when first planted to ensure that they grow and thrive in the critical first years after being planted from the nursery. 

Watering trees

Trees need regular watering. Follow these watering tips the ensure your tree gets enough water during dry spells:

  • Water your tree once to twice per week during periods with little or no rain. 40L per watering is a good amount for most trees. A tree watering bag is an easy way to water a young tree.
  • Water your tree less frequently when the weather is cooler
  • Identify your tree and research how much water it needs
If the leaves on a tree begin to turn yellow, this may be an indication of too much water.

Adding soil and mulch around your tree

Avoid adding too much mulch (or any soil) to the base of your trees. This can cause the trunk to decay and possibly cause the tree to die. When adding mulch, you should:

  • Use an organic mulch of shredded bark or wood chips to retain soil moisture, moderate soil temperatures and reduce competition from grass and weeds
  • Create the Right Mulch Ring: Spread the mulch in a ring around the tree, starting a few inches away from the trunk. Make sure the ring is 2-4 inches deep. Avoid piling mulch against the trunk, as it can lead to moisture-related diseases. Maintain the Mulch: Periodically check the mulch ring and replenish it as needed. The mulching should resemble a "donut" around the tree trunk.
  • Avoid adding stones, pavers or bricks around the tree. These activities will lead to tree stress and potentially kill the tree if left in such a condition. 
  • Protect trees from weed trimmers by using flexible tree trunk protectors and mulch rings. 

Tree stakes

Tree stakes are only required to support your tree for two full growing seasons. Remove stakes after this point to let the tree continue to grow. We will remove tree stakes from trees on Milton property. If you feel that tree stakes have been left too long on a young tree, please contact us and we will add it to our stake removal programme.