At the Town of Milton, our strategic plan creates a shared vision that guides the work of Council and staff to meet the needs of our evolving community.
After community engagement and input, the plan identifies the needs of our organization and community for the upcoming term of Council as well as for the longer term future.
Our practical vision for 2023-2027 will lay the foundation to make our strategic vision a reality for Milton 2051.
Strategic Vision for 2051
In 2051, Milton will be a safe, diverse and welcoming community that respects its natural beauty and heritage, supports a range of neighbourhoods, sustains a strong and balanced economy, and offers outstanding opportunities to live, learn, work and play.
We provide excellent and sustainable municipal services to foster a vibrant and inclusive community where residents thrive, businesses flourish and nature is cherished.
By 2027, Milton will have laid the foundation for its future as a diverse and welcoming community defined by higher densities enabled by transit.
This foundation will include transit system advancements, prioritized infrastructure, quality facilities and a diverse housing stock in varied neighbourhoods where people can live and work close to nature.
The Town will maintain its appeal and character for residents and employers while adjusting services, operations and development to reflect evolving resident preferences, demographics and growth.
Strategic themes
We will invest in a more permanent, balanced and highly skilled workforce required for Vision 2051, making the Town of Milton an employer of choice where diverse and talented staff are able to offer superior service and productivity in a period of rapid change.
Strategic imperatives
Create and execute a plan to attract and retain a workforce which:
- Meets the needs of our community today and tomorrow
- Supports the achievement of our practical vision
- Supports current/future service delivery and exceptional customer service
We will focus substantial investments in technology, process improvements and meaningful partnerships to improve customer service, embed sustainable practices and create a foundation for flattening long-term costs.
Strategic imperatives
Determine what opportunities exist today, which programs and services would benefit from digitization/modernization and decide on our core priorities.
We will deploy adequate and consistent resources to maintain, operate and intensify the use of parks, facilities and other Town-owned assets, improving resident safety and quality of place.
Strategic imperatives
- Create a roadmap for adequate and consistent investment that supports the operation and maintenance of Town infrastructure, facilities and assets;
- Maximize the use of Town-operated facilities;
- Use established service level targets to determine the threshold for future resource investments and infrastructure.
We will accelerate investments in Milton-owned transit assets so these connect to other services, increase transit ridership and help pedestrians and cyclists navigate our community defined by smart density, placemaking, mobility and economic development.
Strategic imperatives
- Build a municipal transit facility
- Develop a plan to grow local transit service in line with anticipated population growth
- Strategically advocate for Metrolinx to improve inter-municipal transit connectivity in Milton
- Build upon Milton Transit’s ‘family of services’ to increase ridership and support the post-secondary student population
- Expand the active transportation network to encourage alternative forms of transportation
We will plan and build infrastructure that supports the changing needs of our community as we prepare for a future with higher density, mixed-use neighbourhoods that offer an excellent quality of life.
Strategic imperatives
- Finalize the new Official Plan
- Develop a transitional neighbourhood parking strategy
- Partner with post-secondary institutions to support the new post-secondary population and transition graduates into the local economy
Our focus
- Immediate: Uptown (the Milton GO Station area); Civic Precinct.
- Medium term: Milton Education Village and Trafalgar.
- Long term: Britannia and Agerton.
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