As part of the Town's strategic planning, a series of service area master plans were developed. These plans take an in-depth look at our municipal services, evaluate service delivery and identify future needs
Community Services Master Plan
The Community Services Master Plan is being updated to address the current and future recreational needs of the community. View the Community Services Master Plan Update and supporting documentation:
- Appendix A – Summary of Consultations
- Appendix B – Recreation Service Delivery Assessment
- Appendix C – Cultural Services Assessment
- Appendix D – Fitness Services Assessment
- Appendix E – Partnership Assessment
- Appendix F – Recreation Facility Assessment
- Appendix G – Park Assessments
Culture Plan
The Milton Culture Plan, "Here to Stay", reflects Milton’s diversity and provides a framework that will continue to guide equitable, creative and collaborative cultural planning in Milton over the next decade and beyond.
Digital Strategy
The Town developed their first Digital Strategy in 2022. The strategy adopts the principle of ‘digital by default’ and identified a set of digital themes to guide future technology investments. The themes include:
- Connecting the community
- Collaborative platforms
- Digital service delivery
- Automation and mobility
- Data analytics
To achieve the digital by default vision, 12 strategic priorities were identified that the Town should focus on.
Economic Development Strategy
The Economic Development Strategy includes strategies to facilitate the economic growth of existing businesses as well as provide resources to organizations wishing to locate in Milton. Some of these strategies include:
- Managing employment lands for the long term, targeting higher employment density employers
- Focusing on future business retention, expansion and attraction initiatives
- Securing the role of the Milton’s downtown as a distinct employment centre
- Sustaining the rural/agricultural and tourism sectors
- Refreshing the Town’s marketing and communications materials and messages
Environment, Conservation and Demand Energy Management Plan
In order to improve Milton’s environmental record and align with the Green Energy Act, we’ve started initiatives on environmental planning, sustainability and conservation management. Our Green Innovation Plan consists of the:
The Milton Green Innovation Plan has the following key goals:
- Update the Corporation Conservation and Demand Management Plan, reflecting an up-to-date baseline for legacy buildings, planning for new buildings, expanding transportation
- Create a Community Plan including regional, commercial, residential and institutional energy analysis
- Engage a wide stakeholder group to develop and advance the Community Plan, with effective engagement led through a Steering Committee, Advisory Group and public engagement
- Explore the potential for Deep Green approaches to new developments, such as the Milton Education Village
- Maintain sustainable governance and effective implementation of the Plan through the Steering Committee and Advisory Group
Fire Services Master Plan
The Fire Master Plan is a strategic planning framework for fire protection services within the municipality, generally for a five or ten year timeframe. The process provides a wide-ranging review of existing services in comparison with legislative requirements, industry guidelines and industry best practices in balancing with local needs and circumstances.
Library Services Master Plan
Visit the Milton Public Library for information about the Library Services Master Plan.
Milton Transit Five-Year Service Plan
The Milton Transit Five-Year Service Plan and Master Plan Update provides Council and senior staff with a roadmap of key requirements and enablers that will help the Town realize its desired transit future over the next five years.
Stormwater Management Master Plan
The Town of Milton is creating a Stormwater Management Master Plan to develop a comprehensive strategy to manage stormwater. Stormwater is the rain and melted snow that runs off streets and properties, into creeks and streams, and eventually enters our rivers and Great Lakes. When complete, the master plan will act as a decision-making guide for prioritizing projects, budgeting, as well as estimating and addressing future needs of our environment and growing community.Transportation Master Plan Update
In 2018, the Town of Milton developed a Transportation Master Plan to guide investment in all modes of transportation to accommodate the travel needs expected due to the forecasted significant population and economic growth. In March 2023, the Town of Milton retained WSP to prepare the Transportation Master Plan Update.
The TMP update intends to align transportation policy with Milton’s growth plan and priorities. It will also reflect recent policy directions from the Province of Ontario, which focuses Milton’s future growth on intensification in the built boundary and developing complete communities through Secondary Plan Areas.
The Transportation Master Plan Update will be the guide that combines all modes of transportation and identifies strategic improvements for each mode, to achieve a multi-modal future for the Town.
- Learn more at Let’s Talk Milton – Transportation Master Plan Update
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