During federal, provincial, and municipal elections in Milton, election signs are used to promote candidates who are in the running.

Election sign resources

Complete an election sign permit form and bring with it your refundable fee to Town Hall (main floor) for processing.

Note: Third party sign fees are not refundable. Payment may be made by cash, debit, or cheque from your campaign account. Please make cheques payable to the Town of Milton.

Election Sign Permit

Election signs are allowed on minor arterial, multi-purpose arterial and collector roads only. Please review our Election Sign Map for more details about placement of election signs.

Election Sign Map

Town of Milton by-law officers are responsible for the enforcement of all election sign infractions. Election sign complaints are required to be submitted electronically.

Election Sign Complaint

Election sign FAQs

The Municipal Elections Office has prepared this information sheet for the 2022 Municipal Election for information purposes only.  It is not an official version of the Election Sign By-law No. 011-2018, as amended. Please refer to the by-law for specific wording.


As per sections 3.3 and 4.2 of the Election Sign By-law, yes, there are restrictions. Not including billboard signs and signs on vehicles, no election sign shall:

  • Be illuminated
  • Have a sign area greater than 3 square metres (32 square feet)
  • Have a sign height greater than 2.13 metres (7 feet)
  • Interfere with the safe operation of vehicular traffic or the safety of pedestrians
  • Impede or obstruct the Town’s maintenance operations

No election sign may interfere with the safe movement of any vehicle or pedestrian traffic or placed where it is a general hazard to public safety.

As per section 7.10 of the Election Sign By-law, no. You may not use the Town’s logo or municipal election wordmark in whole or in part on any election sign or material.

As per section 7.10 of the Election Sign By-law, any third party or candidate registered with the Town of Milton are responsible for their own signs and shall ensure that they are compliant with the requirements of the appropriate by-laws are met.


As per section 3.2 of the Election Sign By-law, yes, there is an election sign fee of $300 for Mayor or Regional Chair, and $150 for all other offices.
As per sections 3.2.1 and 6.4 of the Election Sign By-law, yes, election sign fees are refundable for candidates only if the candidate:
  • Removes their signs within 72 hours (three days) following the election day and
  • Is not subject to any election sign prosecution for contravention of the Election Sign By-law
  • Has no outstanding fines resulting from violations from the Election Sign By-law
As per section 3.2.1 of the Election Sign By-law, no, third party sign fees are not refundable.
As per section 8.2 of the Election Sign By-law, yes, you may be charged $98.31 for each illegal sign removed by the Town. Extreme violations or repeat offenders may be charged under the Provincial Offences Act.


As per sections 6.1 and 6.2 of the Election Sign By-law, municipal election signs (this includes third party signs) cannot be posted prior to Sept. 9, 2022 (45 days before the Election). 

In addition, you must be a registered Candidate or Third Party with the Town of Milton.

As per section 6.1 of the Election Sign By-law, yes, Billboards or other types of electronic signs are considered an election sign, when used for election purposes and are not permitted prior to the issuance of the writ, except an election sign which is placed on a campaign office.
As per section 6.4 of the Election Sign By-law, all election signs must be removed 72 hours (three days) following the Election Day.
As per sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.9 of the Election Sign By-law, election signs are not allowed within a Right of Way, on Regional Roads, on public property; in a park; on a median or island; less than 3 metres from a school crossing; on a trailer; on a utility pole, on a tree, fence or gate located on public property.

Election signs that block sightlines or obstruct any traffic control device or signal will be removed.

Candidates and third parties should inform themselves about municipal boundaries and by-laws that may apply.

Election signs from the same candidate in the urban area cannot be within 10 metres of any other election sign of the same candidate (50 metres outside the urban area). A map of the urban area is available for review.

As per section 7.9 of the Election Sign By-law, no.
As per sections 6.3 and 7.9 of the Election Sign By-law, election signs may be posted on a registered candidate’s campaign office prior to Sept. 9, 2022.
As per sections 7.3 of the Election Sign By-law and 36-01 of the Halton Region By-law, election signs are not allowed within the Right-of-Way of any Regional Road. 

Election signs are allowed on minor arterial, multi-purpose arterial and collector roads only.

Visit our election signs map to identify Town and Regional roads.

As per section 7.3 of the Election Sign By-law, yes, although election signs are not allowed on a boulevard in front of a detached or semi-detached dwelling except where the occupant of the dwelling has agreed to the location. If a residence fronts onto a Regional Road, election signs cannot be located on the boulevard on a Regional Road Right of Way.
As per section 4 of the Election Sign By-law, yes, elections signs can be placed on a lawn with the owner’s permission.
As per section 7.6 of the Election Sign By-law, no. Election signs are not permitted on any premises used as a voting location. The entire property, including the road allowance abutting it, is considered to be a voting location.
As per sections 7.2, 7.7 and 7.8 of the Election Sign By-law, election signs may be affixed to a motor vehicle, if it has a valid Ontario license plate affixed to it; and it isn’t parked at a voting place on any day when electors are voting.

Election signs are not allowed on a trailer.

The Election Sign By-law defines detached dwelling and semi-detached dwelling and where signs can be erected with permission from the occupants.  Condominium or apartment buildings would have multiple occupants, so permission would be required by all occupants for the placement of an election sign for a candidate on the private property or the boulevard in front of a condominium/apartment building. 

The Election Sign By-law does not restrict election signs being placed on balconies or in private windows. 

As per section 7.1 of the Election Sign By-law, election signs are not permitted to be placed on the boulevard in front of a park. “No person shall place or permit to be placed an election sign on public property or in a park.”

In accordance with the Town Parks By-law, campaigning would be a violation of section 9.1: “Without the written authorization of the Director, no person shall erect, post distribute, or otherwise display any signs, notices, posters, handbills, circulars, signboards or advertising devices within a park”.

As per sections 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3 of the Election Sign By-law, no. There will not be any prior notice given for any illegal sign removed by the Town. Furthermore, candidates or third parties whose signs have been removed will not be notified that their election sign has been removed, and they will not be given the opportunity to retrieve it.

All illegal election signs that are removed by the Town will be destroyed without notice or compensation to any party. 
Furthermore, the candidate or third party may be charged for the illegal sign.

Voter FAQs

Election signs that are placed on private property without consent from the occupant can be disposed of in accordance with Halton Region Recycling and Waste Sorting Guidelines.
Our Election Team, as part of the Town Clerk’s Office, is not involved in the campaigns of the candidates. To contact a candidate about an election sign, contact information for candidates can be found on the Town’s website.

Election signs that are placed on the boulevard adjacent to a single detached or semi-detached dwelling without consent from the occupant can be disposed of in accordance with Halton Region Recycling and Waste Sorting Guidelines.

Our Election Team, as part of the Town Clerk’s Office, is not involved in the campaigns of the candidates. To contact a candidate about an election sign, contact information for candidates can be found on the Town’s website.