Looking for some resources in the community that can help you? Scroll down to find a list of some key resources to help you navigate any chapter in life.
Crisis intervention and mental health
- Danielle's Place (Eating Disorder Support and Resource Centre) - 1-866-277-9959
- Drug and Alcohol Helpline - 1-866-531-2600
- Halton Adapt - 905-639-6537
- Halton Children's Aid Society - 905-333-4441
- Halton Women's Place - 905-332-7892
- Jessie's Centre - 416-365-1888
- Kids Help Phone (24 hours) - 1-800-668-6868
- Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Trans Youth Line - 1-800-268-9688
- Love is Respect - 1-866-331-9474
- Halton Distress Centre - 905-877-1211
- ROCK (Reach Out Centre for Kids) - 905-878-9785
- SAVIS (Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services of Halton) - 905-875-1555 (24-hour help line)
- Sexual Health Clinics, including Health @ 217 in Milton - 905-825-6000, ext. 8400
Drop-in centres and community networks
- ART House - 905-467-8551
- Halton Youth Disability Advisory Council
- RE:SOUL Youth Centre – 905-876-0368
Employment and volunteering
- HMC Connections
- Milton Youth Task Force (MYTF)
- STRIDE (Supported Training & Rehabilitation In Diverse Environments) – 905-693-4252
- Volunteer Halton (Community Development Halton) – 905-632-1975
- YMCA Youth in Transition Worker Program (YITW) – 905-928-9903
Housing, shelters and food banks
- Bridging the Gap Halton - 905-635-0663
- Food for Life – 905-635-1106
- Milton Transitional Housing – 905-699-7433
- Ontario Works (help with cost of living) – Dial 311 or 1-866-442-586
- Wesley - 905-528-5629
- Halton Rent Connect
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