During the school year, Milton Transit provides service for students travelling to and from secondary school. We offer this program from September to June during instructional school days, including exam days. All regular transit fares apply. School Extra schedules are subject to change.
School Extra route schedules
Check out route schedules online or download a print-friendly version.
Route 50 School Extra |
Route 51 School Extra |
Route 52 School Extra |
Route 53 School Extra |
Route 54 School Extra |
Bishop Reding Catholic Secondary School
The following bus routes provide service to Bishop Reding Catholic Secondary School:
Craig Kielburger Secondary School
The following bus routes provide service to Craig Kielburger Secondary School:
Elsie MacGill Secondary School
The following bus routes provide service to Elsie MacGill Secondary School:
Milton District High School
The following bus routes provide service to Milton District High School:
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School
The following bus routes provide service to St. Francis Xavier Catholic Secondary School:
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Secondary School
The following OnDemand zones provide service to St. Kateri:
Request stops
Since School Extras travel on routes that may differ from other conventional routes, there may not always be physical bus stop signs at locations for boarding and exiting the bus. As such, request stops are permitted at safe locations across the street from physical bus stops.
Tips for boarding a bus at a request stop
- Ensure you are visible and positioned in a safe location
- Signal or flag the operator to board the bus (e.g., wave/raise hand)
- Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before boarding
Tips for exiting a bus at a request stop
- Notify the operator of your destination upon boarding the bus
- Activate stop request button or pull-cord approx. 200 metres prior to the request stop
- Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before departing
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