Parks are shared spaces for members of the community to get active, socialize and connect with nature. They are places built for the community, with the community in mind. Each year, the Town of Milton expands and enhances its park inventory, through new park development and park redevelopment. For a full listing of our parks, visit our parks and facility directory.
Investing in parks of possibility
The Town develops new parks, and invests in upgrades and improvements to existing parks and open spaces, as required. Park development and redevelopment projects are approved annually through the capital budget. Park capital projects and budgets are approved by Council through two phases – design approval and construction approval.
Development process
Planning for new parks begins years before a park is built, through park land designation in Milton’s Official Plan.
Park development and redevelopment projects are prioritized through the Town’s 10-year parks budget forecast. This ensures that parks are redeveloped and continue to meet current standards and community needs. This may include alteration, repair or replacement of park elements at end of useful life.
Park projects typically undergo a design phase for one year. During the design phase, Town staff engage with stakeholders, agencies and the community to develop the park design and secure the required approvals and permits for construction. Construction typically takes place in subsequent years, subject to budget approval.
Design phase process |
The process of the design phase includes the following steps:
Construction phase process |
The process during the construction year include the following steps:
For a copy of the final concept of parks undergoing construction, contact us. |
Recent and ongoing park projects
Parks in design phase |
Parks in construction phase |
Recently completed park projects |
Types of parks
Milton has a hierarchy of park types to serve the needs of the community and beyond. Each park has typical site amenities.
Community park |
A community park is the largest park of the parks classification and may contain unique facilities that attract the entire Milton community. These parks may be part of a larger development that includes civic facilities like a recreation centre. Community level parks provide active recreational facilities for organized and competitive sports, special events and tournaments. A community park may also include large landscaped spaces with site furniture to act as gathering or entrance plazas. Some amenities may include:
List of community parks in Milton:
District park |
A district park services several neighbourhoods. The primary purpose of a district park is to provide active recreational facilities for organized sports, special events and tournaments. Some amenities may include:
List of district parks in Milton:
Linear park |
Linear parks are off-road pathways that enhance community connection. They include trail corridors, grassed open space and/or natural areas with mature trees that provide essential connections to park facilities. Linear parks are not considered part of the parkland dedication for development.
Neighbourhood park |
A neighbourhood park has a central location in a local neighbourhood. Some amenities may include:
Village square |
A village square is a small park typically located within sub-neighbourhoods. Typically, this park does not have active recreational facilities and because of its size, may not require naturalized areas. This type of park provides a passive recreational experience. If possible, a village square will provide a link to the larger open space systems like creeks or woodlots. Some amenities may include:
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