Depending on your planned use of a property or if you’re making certain changes not allowed by zoning by-laws, you may need to apply for a zoning by-law amendment, a minor variance or an Official Plan amendment (OPA).

Book a pre-consultation meeting

Before starting your application, you must attend a pre-consultation meeting.

Applying for rezoning

Please send us a completed zoning amendment application to apply. Make sure to include all fees when you submit your application. Follow our guidelines to help you through our application process and requirements.

A zoning by-law amendment can be considered only if your proposed use is allowed by Milton’s Official Plan.

A zoning by-law amendment will require review by staff as well as public meetings and consultation. The Town of Milton has Terms of Reference for a Draft Zoning By-law Amendment.

After hearing all agency and public comments and concerns, Council may pass, change or reject the by-law amendment. After a decision, you can file an appeal with the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Official Plan Amendment application fees

Below are the 2025 fees applicable for an Official Plan Amendment
Town of MiltonFee
Application fee $51,425

Incomplete application submission


Minor revision

Major revision

15% of current application fee

50% of current application fee

Administration fee for Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal


Annual renewal fee


Planning fees are due at time of submission. A cheque made payable to the Town of Milton can be submitted either by mail or in person (Drop Box or at Cashiers in the Main Lobby) to the attention of Co-ordinator, Development Administration at Town Hall at 150 Mary Street, Milton. The applicant must provide the following information with all cheque payments:

  • Applicant/Owner Name
  • Site Address
  • File Number (if known)

Missing information can cause delays in processing your payment and application.

Applicable Halton Region fees should be forwarded directly to Halton Region. Visit Halton Region's website for fee information and on how to submit your payment. 

Applicable Conservation Halton are to be forwarded directly to Conservation Halton. Visit Conservation Halton's website for fee information and how to submit your payment.

Zoning By-law Amendment application fees

Below are the 2025 fees applicable for a Zoning By-law Amendment application
Town of MiltonFee
Application base fee plus per unit fee $26,634

Units 0-25 Fee:

Units 26-100:

Units 100+

Per square metre of GFA





Incomplete application submission $360

Minor revision

Major revision

15% of current application fee

50% of current application fee

Advertising fee (per required notice)


Administration fee for Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal


Annual renewal fee


Planning fees are due at time of submission. A cheque made payable to the Town of Milton can be submitted either by mail or in person (Drop Box or at Cashiers in the Main Lobby) to the attention of Co-ordinator, Development Administration at Town Hall at 150 Mary Street, Milton. The applicant must provide the following information with all cheque payments:

  • Applicant/Owner Name
  • Site Address
  • File Number (if known)

Missing information can cause delays in processing your payment and application.

Applicable Halton Region fees should be forwarded directly to Halton Region. Visit Halton Region's website for fee information and on how to submit your payment. 

Applicable Conservation Halton are to be forwarded directly to Conservation Halton. Visit Conservation Halton's website for fee information and how to submit your payment.

Removal of holdings application fees

Below are the 2025 fees associated with a Removal of Holding application
Town of MiltonFee
Application base fee $4,427

Planning fees are due at time of submission. A cheque made payable to the Town of Milton can be submitted either by mail or in person (Drop Box or at Cashiers in the Main Lobby) to the attention of Co-ordinator, Development Administration at Town Hall at 150 Mary Street, Milton. The applicant must provide the following information with all cheque payments:

  • Applicant/Owner Name
  • Site Address
  • File Number (if known)

Missing information can cause delays in processing your payment and application.

Applicable Halton Region fees should be forwarded directly to Halton Region. Visit Halton Region's website for fee information and on how to submit your payment. 

Applicable Conservation Halton are to be forwarded directly to Conservation Halton. Visit Conservation Halton's website for fee information and how to submit your payment.

Temporary Use Zoning By-law fees

Below are the 2025 fees associated with a Temporary Use Zoning By-law application
Town of MiltonFee

*Application Fee (Type 1)




Advertising fee (per notice)


Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal Administration fee


Incomplete application fee


Planning fees are due at time of submission. A cheque made payable to the Town of Milton can be submitted either by mail or in person (Drop Box or at Cashiers in the Main Lobby) to the attention of Planning Administrator at Town Hall at 150 Mary Street, Milton. The applicant must provide the following information with all cheque payments:

  • Applicant/Owner Name
  • Site Address
  • File Number (if known)

Missing information can cause delays in processing your payment and application.

Applicable Halton Region fees should be forwarded directly to Halton Region. Visit Halton Region's website for fee information and on how to submit your payment. 

Applicable Conservation Halton are to be forwarded directly to Conservation Halton. Visit Conservation Halton's website  for fee information and how to submit your payment.

*All planning applications that require a statutory public meeting will be required to pay a one-time administrative fee with the application.