Explore our development applications map to locate all current development applications. You can also find detailed information for each development application by ward.

You need to complete a development application for all new developments in Milton. This includes developing new subdivisions and condominiums. All new developments must align with Milton’s Official Plan and zoning regulations.

Prior to the submission of certain planning applications, the Town of Milton requires that applicant’s complete a pre-consultation meeting.

Pre-consultation meetings

A pre-consultation meeting is required prior to the acceptance of a planning application for:

  • Official Plan amendment
  • Zoning By-law amendment
  • Plan of condominium
  • Plan of subdivision or vacant land condominium
  • Land severances (consent)
  • Site plan approval

The purpose of this meeting is to identify those studies/reports required to begin the development application process as well as to obtain and provide information required to better process the application.  

Pre-consultation meetings are held bi-weekly on Tuesday mornings and are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis at the earliest available date. A non-refundable fee of $390 is required at time of booking. A minimum review period of 15 days is required for application types. While we strive to process applications in a timely manner, high volumes of applications may result in delays to the meeting schedule.

To book a pre-consultation meeting, please complete the pre-consultation application and email the Development Review Team.

Terms of Reference

To ensure the interests of the Town are met and to adequately assess the technical aspects of your proposal, the Town requires submission of a number of information items with your application. This page provides definitions and detailed descriptions of the plans, reports and studies the Town may require in order to assess development proposals and the completeness of development applications.

Please note that not all of these requirements will apply to your proposal and that the level of detail required for these reports and studies varies widely. Your pre-consultation meeting will determine the requirement for, and scope of, any plans, reports and studies that must be provided with your package for pre-submission review and Planning Act application(s).

Terms of Reference:

Zoning and land use applications

Your proposed development may not follow our zoning and land use regulations. Learn how to apply and follow our application guidelines for the following land use amendments:

Division of land applications

Some new development proposals will require some form of land or property division.


A subdivision of a property occurs when you divide a piece of land into two or more lots in order to sell them. Complete a plan of subdivision application and submit it with all accompanying documents during your submission meeting. Review the subdivision guidelines to learn more about the development process.

To submit a subdivision application form, please contact Development Planning.


Below is the Town's 2024 fee schedule:  

Town of Milton Fee
Application base fee plus per unit fee $56,509

Units 0-25 fee:

Units 26-100:

Units 100+

Per square metre of gfa





Subsequent D.P.A. review (phasing) $34,747

Minor revision

Major revision

15% of current application fee

50% of current application fee

Request for extension to draft plan approval:

Annual one (1) year within 25 days prior to expiry

Emergency 3-month extension within 15 days of expiry




Annual renewal fee

Incomplete application submission 

Ontario Land Tribunal appeal administration fee




Planning fees are due at time of submission. A cheque made payable to the Town of Milton can be submitted either by mail or in person (Drop Box or at Cashiers in the Main Lobby) to the attention of Co-ordinator, Development Administration at Town Hall at 150 Mary Street, Milton. The applicant must provide the following information with all cheque payments:

  • Applicant/Owner Name
  • Site Address
  • File Number (if known).

Missing information can cause delays in processing your payment and application.

Applicable Halton Region fees should be forwarded directly to Halton Region. Visit Halton Region's website for fee information and on how to submit your payment. 

Applicable Conservation Halton are to be forwarded directly to Conservation Halton. Visit Conservation Halton's website for fee information and how to submit your payment. 


If you want to develop a new condominium or convert a building into a condominium property, you need to complete a plan of condominium application. Submit your condominium application form by contacting Development Planning. Review the condominium guidelines to learn more about the development process.



Town of Milton Fee
Vacant land condominium fee plus per unit fee $56,509

Units 0-25 fee:

Units 26-100:

Units 100+

Per square metre of gfa





Subsequent D.P.A. review (phasing) $34,747

Incomplete application fee

Minor revision

Major revision

Annual renewal fee


15% of current application fee

50% of current application fee


Condominium review with related site plan

Condominium conversion/exemption



Planning fees are due at time of submission. A cheque made payable to the Town of Milton can be submitted either by mail or in person (Drop Box or at Cashiers in the Main Lobby) to the attention of Co-ordinator, Development Administration at Town Hall at 150 Mary Street, Milton. The applicant must provide the following information with all cheque payments:

  • Applicant/Owner Name
  • Site Address
  • File Number (if known).

Missing information can cause delays in processing your payment and application.

Applicable Halton Region fees should be forwarded directly to Halton Region. Visit Halton Region's website for fee information and on how to submit your payment. 

Applicable Conservation Halton fees are to be forwarded directly to Conservation Halton. Visit Conservation Halton's website for fee information and how to submit your payment. 

Part lot control

According to the Planning Act, part lot control allows a property owner to sell a whole lot or block within a registered plan of subdivision. Complete the exemption from part lot control application form and submit it with all necessary documents by contacting Development Planning. Review our part lot control guidelines and submission deadlines before submitting your application.

You’ll need to get a part lot control exemption for the following applications:

  • Creation of townhouse lots
  • Creation of semi-detached lots
  • Lot realignments within non-residential plans for subdivision
  • Mechanical severances, such as additions to lots, easements and land dedications
  • Adjacent lands with plans of subdivision

Submission dates for part lot control applications

Deposited reference plans are a submission requirement.  However, in a case where a draft version(s) has been provided, the Development Services Department cannot guarantee the exemption by-law will proceed to the requested Council Meeting. Deposited reference plans should be submitted as soon as possible after application submission. Failure to submit, will defer your application to a subsequent Council meeting.

Submission Date Council Meeting Date
Monday, Nov. 20, 2023 Monday, Jan. 29, 2024
Monday, Dec. 18, 2023

Monday, Feb. 12, 2024

Monday, Jan. 8, 2024 Monday, March 4, 2024
Monday, Jan. 29, 2024 Monday, March 25, 2024
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2024 Monday, April 15, 2024
Monday, March 18, 2024 Monday, May 13, 2024
Monday, April 8, 2024 Monday, June 3, 2024
Monday, April 29, 2024 Monday, June 24, 2024
Tuesday, May 20, 2024 Monday, July 15, 2024
Monday, July 15, 2024 Monday, Sept. 9, 2024
Monday, Aug. 12, 2024 Monday, Oct. 7, 2024
Monday, Sept. 9, 2024 Monday, Nov. 4, 2024
Monday, Oct. 21, 2024 Monday, Dec. 9, 2024
Monday, Dec. 2, 2024 Monday, Jan. 27, 2025 (TBD)

Guidelines and fees

Under Section 50(5) of the Planning Act  R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended

What is part lot control?

Part Lot Control is a provision of the Planning Act that prevents the further division of individual lots or blocks within a registered plan of subdivision, without additional approval. The Planning Act does allow; however, a municipal Council to remove part lot control from a parcel of land under certain appropriate circumstances. An application for exemption from part lot control can only be made if the subject property is a lot or block within a registered plan of subdivision.  Please check with the Development Services Department to specifically determine whether a proposal meets the prerequisites for the removal of part lot control. Examples may include:  minor changes to the lot pattern created through a registered plan of subdivision; division of large blocks within industrial plans of subdivision for individual end-users; and/or creation of individual lots for semi-detached and street townhouse dwelling units.

Submission requirements:
  • Electronic copies of all requested documents are now required for submission. Digital files must be in .pdf format and generated directly from the software used to create them (AutoCAD, Softplan, Revit, etc.) using a PDF printer or converter (no scanned copies). All .pdf files must have the document properties/restrictions/ security settings/permissions set to allow, “Printing” and “Adding Markups” so Town staff can apply redline notes and approval stamps to the documents.  No zip files or folders on electronic devices.
  • Completed Application form, including Owner’s Authorization (if required) (Owner name(s) shown on the application form must be identical to the Owner name(s) registered on title).
  • One (1) copy of each deposited reference plan(s) prepared by an O.L.S. in metric showing:

      □  all dimensions of subject lands                      □  proposed lotting arrangements

      □  access and/or maintenance easements          □  existing building foundation(s)

Each print must be certified by an O.L.S. to confirm that final as-built ties to building foundations have been shown. 

  • If draft plans are submitted initially, the applicant must provide the deposited plan at least thirty (30) days prior to the scheduled Council adoption date. 
  • One (1) Lot Area, Lot Frontage and Lot Coverage Calculation Certificate, certified by an O.L.S.
  • One (1) Land Use Schedule of proposed parts identified on reference plan(s) indicating proposed land use and dwelling unit type for each part or parts.
  • One Engineers Certification Letter (P.Eng. signature and seal required). The certification shall include a brief description of existing and/or proposed municipal services, no conflicts exist and confirm that the location(s) of all service utility connections is/are acceptable relative to the proposed lot lines.
Fees and financial requirements:
  • Town of Milton fees applicable include a base fee, plus a per unit fee plus a by-law registration fee. Town fees are reviewed annually.
  • The fee covers one part lot control by-law per application submitted. In cases where Town staff considers that an additional by-law(s) is required to deal with certain lots/blocks, a supplementary fee will be payable per by-law.
  • The Town’s fees include the cost of registration of one (1) Part Lot Control Exemption By-law. If difficulty is encountered in registering the by-law as a result of information provided by the Application, the Applicant will be responsible for any additional costs incurred by the Town. If issues arise requiring Conservation Authority review, additional fees may apply.
  • Fees are exempt from HST and are made payable as follows:
Town of Milton Fee
2024 base fee $1,695
2024 per unit fee $74
2024 by-law registration fee $290
2024 extension by-law fee $1,131

Planning fees are due at time of submission. A cheque made payable to the Town of Milton can be submitted either by mail or in person (Drop Box or at Cashiers in the Main Lobby) to the attention of Co-ordinator, Development Administration at Town Hall at 150 Mary Street, Milton. The applicant must provide the following information with all cheque payments:

  • Applicant/Owner Name
  • Site Address
  • File Number (if known).

Missing information can cause delays in processing your payment and application.

Applicable Halton Region fees should be forwarded directly to Halton Region. Visit Halton Region's website for fee information and on how to submit your payment. 


Important information for the applicant:

Processing of an application will commence when all necessary supporting documentation and plans have been submitted together with the required application fees.  Incomplete submissions will be returned to the applicant.

It is the Applicant’s responsibility to ensure that building permits have been issued and applicable development charges are paid, prior to the processing of an application for exemption from part lot control.  If the application does not conform to the Town of Milton’s Zoning by-law, a rezoning or minor variance application must be submitted, approved and finalized prior to Council enacting the exempting part lot control by-law.

Part Lot Control By-laws are approved for a term of one (1) year and automatically expire after that timeframe.  Please ensure that all land transfers occur within the one (1) year of the enactment of the part lot control exemption by-law.  Follow-up with respect to extensions or renewals are the responsibility and cost of the Applicant.  

More information:  

For inquiries please contact the Development Services Department at 905-878-7252, ext. 2398 or via email

Land severance

Land severance is an alternative to a plan of subdivision for less complex projects. This includes dividing a property into one or two lots. Complete a lot severance/consent application and submit it with all necessary documents during your submission meeting.

Visit our land severance page to learn more about the application and development process.

Telecommunications facilities

If you’re planning to construct a telecommunications tower, antenna or other facility, you need to apply through the Government of Canada. The Town of Milton has a telecommunications facility protocol and we will review local telecommunications proposals. Please submit a telecommunications application form prior to constructing a telecommunications facility in Milton.

Appeal rights

The Province of Ontario introduced changes that limit who is permitted to appeal decisions. As part of Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024, the changes extend to who is allowed to appeal Council decisions for Official Plans, Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-laws and Zoning By-law Amendments decisions to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). The OLT is an independent provincial tribunal that is responsible for resolving appeals and applications on a variety of contentious municipal and land use planning matters.  Royal Assent was received on these changes on June 6, 2023 and are retroactive to April 10, 2024.

As a result of this legislation, only the applicant, the municipal authority, specified person(s) and the Minister can appeal a decision to the OLT. Individuals are no longer permitted to do so. If a Town Council decision is appealed to the OLT, you can request participant status and make written submission to the OLT for consideration as part of the decision-making process. The OLT Citizen Liaison can help you better understand the rules, practices and procedures of the OLT.

If you are eligible and disagree with a decision of Town Council, you can appeal to the OLT within the 20-day appeal period.