The construction, development or re-development of land in Milton can require site plan approval. Contact us and we’ll help you determine whether your development proposal requires Site Plan Approval.

Applying for site plan approval

Before starting your site plan application form, you must attend a pre-consultation meeting. Please see our guidelines for site plan approval for submission requirements, fees, and timeline information below. 

Our Site Plan Control By-law and review process improves the function, design and appearance of proposed developments.

Site plan guidelines

To ensure the interests of the Town are met and to adequately assess the technical aspects of your proposal, the Town requires submission of a number of information items with your application. The guidelines provide definitions and detailed descriptions of the plans, reports, and studies the Town may require in order to assess development proposals and the completeness of development applications.

Please contact Development Planning to be emailed a copy of the application form.

Site plan fees

Below are the 2025 fees for applying for a site plan approval:

title 1title 2
Non-residential base fee $15,052
Non-residential fee per hectare* (max 10 ha) $24,833

Residential base fee plus per unit fee:

Units 2-25

Units 26-100

Units 100+





Mixed use base fee per residential unite and per square metre of non-residential GFA

Units 2-25

Units 26-100

Units 100+

Per square metre of GFA






Subsequent Resubmissions

(Fourth and subsequent submissions)
5% of current fee
Minor and Partial Approval Application 15% of current fee

Site plan agreement fee**

Site plan inspection fee

Site plan legal fees**

Property title research fee



Actual Cost


Extension to site plan agreement  $1,544
Annual processing fee*** $3,748
Incomplete Application Submission $190.52

*Rounded to the nearest 1/4 hectare. Calculated to a maximum 10 ha per application.

**All Town agreements and legal fees are subject to disbursements.

***If site plan approval is noted granted within a one-year time frame, annual renewal fees are due.

Planning fees are due at time of submission. A cheque made payable to the Town of Milton can be submitted either by mail or in person (Drop Box or at Cashiers in the Main Lobby) to the attention of Planning Administrator at Town Hall at 150 Mary Street, Milton. The applicant must provide the following information with all cheque payments:

  • Applicant/Owner Name
  • Site Address
  • File Number (if known).

Missing information can cause delays in processing your payment and application.

Applicable Halton Region fees should be forwarded directly to Halton Region. Visit Halton Region's website for fee information and on how to submit your payment. 

Applicable Conservation Halton fees are to be forwarded directly to Conservation Halton. Visit Conservation Halton's website for fee information and how to submit your payment.