At the Town of Milton, we are updating our Official Plan with policies to manage growth in our community to the year 2051.
Launched in July 2019, We Make Milton is a multi-year Official Plan review and update. Each stage strives to engage the public, so that the new Official Plan reflects the needs of our community.
Project update
A statutory public meeting was held Dec. 9, 2024, for a municipally initiated Official Plan amendment updating the Town’s Official Plan for all lands located within the Town of Milton. Members of the public are invited to continue to provide input on Let’s Talk Milton.
On Monday, March 17, 2025, at 7 p.m., Town Council will consider approving amendments to the Town of Milton Official Plan. These amendments would implement the first set of changes proposed through the We Make Milton Official Plan.
Review the updated draft Official Plan for discussion at the public meeting.
Stages and status
The new Official Plan project has five stages. Please see an overview of stages below.
Listening and Learning (June-November 2019) |
The initial stage of the new Official Plan project focused on listening to ideas about planning issues, opportunities and challenges in Milton, as well as spreading the word about the We Make Milton project to generate awareness. This stage is complete but we continue to listen and learn about your ideas, concerns and values. Key Milestones
Visioning and Guiding Principles (December 2019-February 2021) |
The second stage of the project established a new land use planning vision statement and guiding principles for future planning and development based on extensive community engagement. It also documented background information and issues on key planning themes. These will be important building blocks for drafting a new Official Plan. Our Vision Statement is: Milton 2051: Choice Shapes UsIn 2051, Milton offers a diversity of options for how and where we live, work, move, and grow. As we evolve, choice is what shapes us. Milton’s new Official Plan will be supported by a set of Guiding Principles that identify specific directions for enhancing the community’s core values and priorities: 1. Be Creative and Provide Choice. 2. Mix Uses. 3. Move Efficiently and Safely. 4. Diversify and Prosper. 5. Prioritize the Public Realm. 6. Support Arts, Culture, and Recreation. 7. Make Connections 8. Protect our Environment. 9. Support the Rural Area. 10. Encourage Good, Green Design. 11. Collaborate. 12. Think Local. Key Milestones
Big Questions (February 2021-November 2023) |
Beginning in March 2021, the third stage of the Official Plan review identified and answered big questions about how to manage change to the year 2051. This work resulted in a set of recommended policy directions based on research and community input. The ‘Big Questions’ were grouped into four themes: Living, Growing, Working, and Moving in Milton. Living in MiltonThe focus of ‘Living in Milton’ is on land use planning matters related to our day-to-day lives in Milton including where we live, socialize, play, and worship. This is about how residents meet their daily needs, while going beyond the day-to-day to explore quality of life, sense of community, social interaction and ecological footprint.
Moving in MiltonThe focus of ‘Moving in Milton’ is about how people and goods move around in Milton. The moving theme looks at how our new Official Plan will implement key transportation related directions as identified by various Town documents, including the 2019 Milton Transportation Master Plan, and its anticipated 2023 update. It also explores how the Official Plan can face local challenges while supporting opportunities for moving in Milton, including traffic congestion, transit ridership, infrastructure gaps, sustainability, and traffic safety, for example.
Working in MiltonThe focus of ‘Working in Milton’ is anything related to economic development and job growth. Do you work here or do you commute? Where would you ideally like to work? How can we support new education and training opportunities? How can we diversify and prosper in 2051? This discussion focuses on land use planning matters related to how we work in Milton, how employment needs will be met, and how our new Official Plan can support high quality employment for Miltonians while addressing current and future planning challenges, such as changing local and regional dynamics.
Growing in MiltonThe focus of ‘Growing in Milton’ is about where Milton’s future growth will happen and what it will look like. Milton has grown very quickly in the past few decades. Where will future growth happen and what will it look like? As we continue to grow, how can we ensure the protection of resources? In addition, how can we create more complete communities? In the context of our new planning vision, it is anticipated that population growth and changes in demographics will bring a need for more job opportunities, infrastructure, housing and services in different locations and forms. |
Drafting and Discussion (Current stage) |
Stage 4 of We Make Milton involves preparing and consulting on the first draft of the new Official Plan. Draft policies have been developed based on the research, community input and recommendations collected in Stage 3. This first set of draft policies provides a framework for where and how Milton will grow. Staff will consult the public and stakeholders on the draft Phase One of the new Official Plan (Growth Management and Complete Communities policies.)
The Town of Milton invites residents and interested parties to learn about and provide input on the draft new Official Plan, which will shape the future of our town. The Town held engagement sessions on the draft new Official Plan on Aug. 22 and Sept. 12, 2024. A statutory public meeting is scheduled on Dec. 9, 2024, for a municipally initiated Official Plan amendment updating the Town’s Official Plan for all lands located within the Town of Milton. |
New Official Plan (Future stage) |
In stage 5, staff will present a new Official Plan that has been refined from the first draft. The new Official Plan will be presented in two parts:
We will hold a statutory public meeting for Part 1 and Part 2, so that Council can consider and officially approve each part of the new Official Plan. When approved, the new Official Plan will guide land-use decisions on how to manage change so that future development will meet the specific needs of the Milton community. |
Stay up-to-date on opportunities for input on Let's Talk Milton.
How we have engaged
We have successfully engaged the public and stakeholders in a variety of ways throughout the new Official Plan project.
Our engagement to date has included:
- 16,900+ visits to project engagement web page
- 2,325+ views of the Meet the Miltons video
- 800+ attendees at public engagement events
- 68+ stakeholders engaged
- Let’s Talk Milton has contributed to:
- 12,100+ people aware
- 4,200+ people informed
- 1,000+ people engaged
You can learn more on our public engagement platform Let’s Talk Milton.
Have a question? Send an email to our Official Plan Review team.
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