Prioritizing efforts to elevate our reputation will enable Milton to attract those seeking a better place to live, to work, or to build a company.

Develop a sub-brand to support Milton’s economic development efforts.


  • Create a Choose Milton brand and messaging platform.
  • Refresh Milton's economic development digital presence, in concert with its new identity and messaging.

Market Milton’s target clusters, including those with FDI potential, to gain investment.


  • Hire a full-time marketing professional to support Milton's economic development efforts.
  • Prepare industry investment marketing portfolios (brochures and videos) for each sector.
  • Build a standalone attraction website that promotes real estate assets, data, and tools of interest to site selectors.

Implement a marketing plan to engage stakeholders, including business leaders, policymakers, and partners.


  • Develop and execute a communication plan for updating Milton stakeholders on impact, metrics, and activities.
  • Host, in collaboration with partners, an annual economic development convening.
  • Design, publish, and promote an annual report.

Celebrate Milton’s business and entrepreneurial success stories.


  • Create a systematic means for communicating entrepreneurial and start-up successes: website, blogs, social media, and direct emails.