Experience Downtown Milton, where technology and history come together.

Our pedestrian-friendly downtown core combines inviting shops, intimate restaurants and cultural experiences with modern conveniences and historical charm. Pursuing technological integrations in this area with enthusiasm, Milton continues to make enhancements to our downtown while maintaining our rich heritage and vibrant culture.

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Enhanced service via leading edge technology

Recently, investments were made to Downtown Milton’s wireless infrastructure, upgrading it to feature state-of-the-art wifi capabilities. Smart traffic management technology was also integrated into the area. As part of our ongoing revitalization plans, these enhancements have improved the technological infrastructure, safety and movement of residents, businesses and visitors through our downtown core.

An evolving hub for a growing community

Plans for a new Civic Precinct area in Downtown Milton are underway. Located on a site to the east of Brown Street, between Main Street and Mary Street, this section of our downtown core is set to be transformed into an engaging and interactive public space for the community to enjoy.

Picture of Downtown Milton at Night