An official plan describes municipal council policies on how land in your community should be used.
Milton’s Official Plan sets long-term goals and objectives for our community, guides our by-laws and informs Council on land-use decisions and how to manage change.
The Official Plan seeks to foster:
- A diverse and vibrant economy.
- A safe, liveable and healthy community.
- A Town with heritage, identity and character.
- Sustainable development.
- Conservation, stewardship and enhancement of natural areas.
- Efficient land use.
- Community design that puts people first.
- Responsible, cost-effective local government and services.
Official Plans of the Town of Milton
On July 1, 2024, through changes to the Planning Act, the Province identified the Region of Halton as an “upper-tier municipality without planning responsibilities". As a result, the Regional Official Plan is no longer an official plan for the Regional Municipality of Halton. Instead, it has been deemed an official plan of each of the lower-tier municipalities in Halton (Town of Milton, City of Burlington, Town of Halton Hills, and Town of Oakville), until it is revoked or amended by the respective municipality.
This means that there are now two Official Plans which apply to the Town of Milton - the Halton Regional Official Plan, 1995, and the Town of Milton Official Plan, 1996.
Halton Region Official Plan, May 2024 consolidation
The Halton Region Official Plan, 1995, was approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, with modifications, on Nov. 27, 1995. This Office Consolidation incorporates all subsequent modifications and amendments to the Plan up to and including May 16, 2024. For details on the legal status and applicability of the Halton Region Official Plan, 1995 (as amended) refer to the “Explanatory Notes” at the beginning of the Official Plan document.
In addition, to help implement the policies of the Halton Regional Official Plan, a series of guideline documents were developed by the Region. To view the Regional Official Plan Guidelines, visit
View the full Halton Region Official Plan (May2024 Office Consolidation).
Milton Official Plan, December 2024 consolidation
View the Official Plan |
This version of the Official Plan is a consolidation of the Official Plan policies and amendments as of December 2024 (Part B, Sections 1-5 and Part C, and schedules). It is provided for information purposes only. For legal purposes, reference should be made to the original certified documents which are on file with the Town Clerk including Official Plan Amendments No. 31 to 84 as approved by Town Council, The Region of Halton, or the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)/Local Planning Tribunal (LPAT)/Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). Part B – The Official Plan
Official Plan maps and schedules |
Amending the Official Plan |
The Official Plan can change by amending policies and/or maps. These amendments follow a process prescribed by the Planning Act and can be initiated by an applicant or the municipality. Before beginning, please review our Milton planning application process, which outlines and describes our development review process. If you have any questions about an amendment please contact Development Services. |
Related projects |
Updating the Official Plan
We are updating our Official Plan with policies to manage growth in our community to the year 2051. Launched in July 2019, We Make Milton is a multi-year Official Plan review and update. Each stage strives to engage the public, so that the new Official Plan reflects the needs of our community.
A statutory public meeting was held Dec. 9, 2024, for a municipally initiated Official Plan amendment updating the Town’s Official Plan for all lands located within the Town of Milton. Members of the public are invited to continue to provide input on Let’s Talk Milton.
On Monday, March 17, 2025, at 7 p.m., Town Council will consider approving amendments to the Town of Milton Official Plan. These amendments would implement the first set of changes proposed through the We Make Milton Official Plan.
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