On this page

↓ Apply for a building permit
↓ Apply for a residential building permit
↓ Apply for an industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) building permit
↓ Guidelines for building permit applications
↓ Digital submission requirements
↓ Rates and fees
↓ Additional forms
↓ Application guidelines
↓ Permit statistics

On Jan. 1, 2025, the 2024 Ontario Building Code came into effect. Building permit design drawings prepared under the 2012 Ontario Building Code will soon be ineligible for submission for building permit applications.

Please take note of the following transition dates for submitting complete building permit applications: 

Jan. 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025
- Building Permit applications may be submitted using the new 2024 Ontario Building Code
- Building Permit applications may be submitted using the 2012 Building Code if the applicant demonstrates that their working drawings were substantially complete by Dec. 31, 2024

April 1, 2025
- Building Permit applications must be submitted using the 2024 Ontario Building Code

Please consult with your architect or qualified designer to understand how the 2024 Ontario Building Code will impact your proposed development. Keep in mind that any changes to building footprint, design or layout may have impacts on your site plan application or approval including grading, drainage, landscaping and, crucially, zoning conformity. Please feel free to email with any questions.

Apply for a building permit

Before any construction of a new building or renovation can begin, you will need to obtain a building permit. Whether you are finishing your basement, adding windows or doors or constructing a deckfence or pool, you’ll need a building permit. Building without a permit can result in fines and penalties as set out in the Building Code Act.

Residential building permits

You can use our online services tool to apply for residential building permits (for decks, additions, alterations, secondary suites, new builds), as well as permits for demolition, signage, septic or pool/spa enclosures.

Industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) building permits

Follow these steps to start the ICI building permit process:

  • Send us an email with the project address, then we will send you a ShareFile link.
  • Upload your completed permit package to the ShareFile link provided.
  • Staff will contact you within two business days to discuss your permit application.

Guidelines for building permit applications

All building permit submissions shall include a completed building permit application that includes all drawings and additional forms required as noted below in the application guidelines. The application and necessary drawings and forms are required to be submitted in PDF format electronically.

The application will undergo an initial cursory review to determine completeness, with applicants being advised via email regarding status of the application’s acceptance or refusal. If your submission is refused, we will email you as to the reasons why, and the necessary corrections required to revise and resubmit accordingly, to complete the submission.

Once the building permit application package has been accepted, you will receive notification with an invoice for permit fees, including payment options. Permit fees are due upon receipt to begin the full permit review. If necessary, you will be notified by email if we require additional information to review and complete your permit application. We will also notify you by email when your building permit has been issued along with all supporting documents.

Digital submission requirements

The Town of Milton is currently utilizing electronic plans review software and requires files to be submitted according the following requirements:

  • Digital files must be in PDF format and generated directly from the software used to create them (AutoCAD, Softplan, Revit, etc.) using a PDF printer or converter (no scanned copies)
  • All PDF files must have the document properties/restrictions/security settings/permissions set to allow "Printing" and "Adding markups" so staff can apply redline notes and approval stamps to the documents

If you would like to send files electronically that are larger than 10MB, please contact us to request a secure file link to accommodate larger file requirements.

Rates and fees

Review our permit application fees.

Residential buildings

View the most common residential building permit fees in Milton.
Common residential building permit fees
Type Fee
New house or addition to house $24.64/m² - Minimum $259.02
Secondary dwelling unit (detached) $24.64/m² - Minimum $259.02
Shed, detached garage, gazebo or personal workshop

$159.91 (flat rate) - up to 27.9m²

$9.25/m² - over 27.9m²

New unenclosed deck or porch, or alteration to existing deck $159.91 (flat rate) 
Basement walkouts, exterior stairs $259.02(flat rate)
Interior renovations
Type Fee
Interior alteration $6.42/m² – Minimum $259.02
Finished basement $6.42/m² - Minimum $259.02
Secondary dwelling unit (attached) $9.39/m² - Minimum $259.02
New opening (window or door) or side door entrance $259.02 (flat rate)
Fireplace or woodstove $259.02
New plumbing or alteration $259.02 (flat rate)
Septic fees
Type Fee
New or replacement septic system $810.84 (flat rate)
Septic tank or bed replacement or repair $405.41 (flat rate)
Review of existing septic system $201.59 (flat rate)
Other fees
Type Fee
Demolition $259.02 (flat rate)
Temporary tent $259.02 (flat rate)
Swimming pool enclosure permit (including hot tubs) $216 (flat rate)
Property Information Report $391 (flat rate)
File retrieval Actual cost plus $83
Copies of building plans  Actual cost plus $118.45
Permit transfer $168.92 (flat rate)
Occupancy Permit (new house only) $67.56 (flat rate)

Industrial, commercial and institutional buildings

View the most common industrial, commercial and institutional building permit fees in Milton.
Assembly uses
Type Fee
New Buildings and Additions to Existing Buildings $26.83/m²
Interior Alterations $6.42/m²
Care or detention uses
Type Fee
New Buildings and Additions to Existing Buildings $29.63/m²
Interior Alterations $6.42/m²
Residential use fees
Type Fee
Multiple unit buildings (6 storeys or less) $24.64/m²
Multiple unit buildings (greater than 6 storeys) $17.69/m²
Hotel or motel $17.69/m²
Business and personal services use fees
Type Fee
Shell only (no occupancy) $14.22/m²
Partitioned and finished $21.88/m²
Interior Alterations $7.66/m²
Mercantile use fees
Type Fee
Shell only (no occupancy) $12.84/m²
Partitioned and finished $19.75/m²
Interior Alterations $6.91/m²
Industrial use fees
Type Fee
Shell only (no occupancy) - Under 9,999 m² $12.83/m²
Partitioned and finished - Under 9,999 m² $19.74/m²
Interior Alteration – Under 9,999 m² $6.91/m²
Shell only (no occupancy) – Over 10,000 m² $10.97/m²
Partitioned and Finished – Over 10,000 m² $16.87/m² 
Interior Alteration – Over 10,000 m² $5.91/m²
Parking garage $7.24/m²
Farm buildings $4.31/m²
Mechanical, plumbing and safety use fees
Type Fee
Special systems (commercial exhaust, spray booth, dust collectors and CO detectors, etc.) $506.77 (flat rate)
Sprinkler systems $0.98/m²
Electromagnetic locks $139.64 each
Fire alarm $670.07 (flat rate)
Site servicing (sanitary, storm and water) $3.67/lin.m. 
Other fees
Type Fee
Elective changes (revisions) $427.95 (flat rate)
Racking system (no platform/mezzanine) $11.41 per lin.m.
Change of use (no construction or increase in hazard) $259.02 (flat rate)
Designated structures $478.62 (flat rate)
Demolition $259.02 (flat rate)
Signs 1.60% of prescribed value or min. rate $259.02
Tents $259.02 (flat rate)
Portable classrooms $259.02 (flat rate)

Minimum fee for any permit type is $259.02 (unless noted otherwise).

Additional forms

Depending on the type of renovation, you may be required to submit additional forms along with your permit application.

Application guidelines

Review our common permit application checklists to make sure your application includes all of the necessary drawings and documents:

Permit statistics

Contact us to request a copy of our monthly construction activity reports.