What's on this page

↓ Supporting studies and documents
↓ Community meetings

As Milton grows, we’ve opened more land for future residential and urban development. The South East Milton Urban Expansion Area is located in the south and east part of Milton and consists of approximately 2,000 hectares of land.

View a map of the Sustainable Halton Lands/Future Urban Expansion Area

Supporting studies and documents

To understand the key opportunities and constraints to developing this area, we started two key background studies:

  • Subwatershed Study
  • Land Base Analysis

Subwatershed study

This study is intended to assess the environmental features within the study area and provide recommendations for the protection and management of these features as part of future development.

Phases and reports

Contact us if you’d like to request a copy of any of the supporting documents or studies.

Land Base Analysis

The study area for the Land Base Analysis is primarily centred on the identified urban expansion area. However, some of the background work associated with this study considers land beyond the urban expansion area (e.g., agriculture component or transportation component).

The purpose of this Land Base Analysis is to:

  • identify key opportunities and constraints to development
  • Inform and provide direction to future Secondary Planning processes;
  • assess and  approximate the amount and distribution of unconstrained land that is available for development;
  • assess the feasibility of developing the area including, but not limited to, a preliminary assessment of the potential public infrastructure needed to facilitate development;
  • delineate logical and cohesive Secondary Plan Area(s); and    
  • provide a framework to guide future studies and phasing for the Secondary Plan process.

Secondary Planning Program

The Secondary Planning Program provides recommendations for future development of the Sustainable Halton Lands based on the background studies. Three Secondary Plan Areas were identified through the Land Base Analysis:

This program produced the following reports and maps:

Contact us if you’d like to request a copy of any of the supporting documents or maps.

Community meetings

We’ve held multiple Public Information Centres to provide information about the planning process, work completed and next steps.

Contact us if you’d like to request a copy of the presentation boards and notices from the community meetings.