Milton's Walk of Fame recognizes the achievements of successful Miltonians. Each Walk of Fame inductee is permanently recognized in the glass corridor that links the historic Town Hall (Town Hall West) to the addition (Town Hall East).

Explore Walk of Fame Inductees

Created in 2007 as Milton's 150th Anniversary Legacy project, the Walk of Fame highlights our local athletes, sports, actors, writers, musicians, entrepreneurs, and government, health and science figures. We present all nominees with a recognition gift at the induction ceremony during Heritage Week.


The Milton Historical Society administers the Walk of Fame Program and makes nominee recommendations to Milton Council for approval based on specific criteria.

Submit Nomination

Nominee criteria

  1. All nominees must be born in Milton, or spent formative or creative years in Milton
  2. Nominees must have lived in Milton for minimum of 10 years
  3. Nominees' accomplishments must be national or international in scope.
  4. Nominee achievements must be best in class in their field and for a minimum of a two-year calendar period
  5. Nominee achievements must fit into the following fields:
  • athletic (A)
  • arts and entertainment (AE)
  • business, agri-business and industry (BI)
  • government and public service (GPS)
  • health and science (HS)

We add nominees as credentials permit, rather than on an annual basis. Please contact the Milton Historical Society for more information.