Streets are named under the Corporate Policy No. 070 approved by Milton Council. Use the name bank submission form to request a name for consideration in the naming of streets and facilities in the Town of Milton.

Submit a Street Name Request

Existing street names in Milton

The Town of Milton keeps and updates a comprehensive list of all the street names that currently exist. Check the list to ensure you are not requesting a name that has already been allocated to a street in Milton, Ontario. 

Existing Street Names

Street name bank

The street name bank is a collection of names that have been submitted and are currently waiting for allocation to new streets in Milton. The list contains the Milton Council resolution/report, the year that the name was added to the bank, and indicates if the name is a veteran or has historic significance.

Street Name Bank

Alternate street name bank

The names on this list are available for allocation to new streets to be considered for future streets allocation after the politician's career ends, or where similar street names in other Halton municipalities no longer challenge the Halton Emergency Partners protocol through the availability of future advanced technologies.

Alternate Street Name Bank

Frequently asked questions

What types of street names are accepted?

Historic contribution

We accept names that recognize individuals, families or businesses that have made a historic contribution to the Town of Milton, Regional Municipality of Halton, and local history through:

  • Events
  • Land use
  • Cultural landscape (aboriginal, pioneer, ethnic diversity)

This can include acknowledgement of our heritage, including buildings, structures, sites, natural features and landscapes

Community relevance and contribution

We accept names of locals who have gained international standing in their discipline, or an individual or organization that has made a significant contribution to the community at a provincial or national level.

Community, military or political service

We accept the names of former and retired political service members, as well as names of locals who served in the military. This includes fallen veterans of world wars identified by the Royal Canadian Legion.

Features and geography

We accept names that include the geographic location of a facility, including the name of major streets that the property faces, neighbourhood name, planning name, or Council-approved development area name are also accepted.

Names can also acknowledge natural features, ecological relationships, scenic or tourist attractions, as well as indigenous flora and fauna.

They can also reflect the service, function or programming of the site. Support commemorative initiatives and celebrations programs, such as a twin city, millennium event, national event, etc.

Why types of street names are not accepted?

We will not consider any names that:

  • Cause confusion because they duplicate or are too similar to existing names
  • May be interpreted as an advertisement
  • Are discriminatory
  • Imply political affiliation

How does a new street in Milton gets its name?

New street names are approved every year by Milton Council through a street name nomination process. Town staff and emergency service partners from the Region of Halton review the approve names in accordance with our revised Corporate Policy No. 070: Naming Streets. When new roads are formed, names are picked from the street name bank for the area. 

Where can I get a copy of the Street Naming Policy? 

Please contact our Development Services department to request a copy of the Street Naming Policy. 


The Town of Milton strives to be accessible in all communications to ensure materials are available for all members of the public. To receive a copy of any of the documents listed below, please contact us and let us know if you require the document in an accessible format.

How do I nominate a street name for Council consideration?

You can nominate a name by submitting the street name bank form, together with supporting documents. 

How long does it take for an approved street name to be allocated to a new street? 

It depends on how fast our new streets are being built. Three to five years is the typical timeline for a name in the street name bank to be allocated. 

Why do some street name signs have a poppy on them?

Street name signs that have a poppy on the sign indicate that the street is named after one of our war veterans.