Boards and committees play an important role in helping the Town of Milton make decisions and plan for the future. These groups bring together residents, Councillors, and experts to give advice, share ideas, and work on projects that support the community. Joining a board or committee is a great way to get involved and make a difference in Milton. On this page, you can learn more about the Town’s boards and committees, how they work, and how you can participate.

Applications for citizen appointments are currently closed for this term of Council.

Boards and committees

Committee of Adjustment and Consent

The Committee of Adjustment and Consent considers applications for minor variances from the Zoning By-law as well as certain land division applications.

Requirements: General eligibility, plus applicants should have knowledge in one or more areas of: law, planning, architecture, government, economic development, community development, land development, environmental planning or citizen advocacy.

Community Fund Advisory Committee

The Community Fund Advisory Committee makes recommendations to Milton staff regarding the Milton Community Fund program and award program.

Compliance Audit Committee

The Compliance Audit Committee reviews and responds to compliance audit applications from voters who believe a candidate has contravened the Municipal Election Act in relation to campaign funding. 

Downtown Business Improvement Area

The Downtown Business Improvement Area is responsible for the improvement, beautification and maintenance of municipally owned lands, buildings and structures in a designated downtown business area. 

Mattamy National Cycling Centre Management Committee

The Mattamy National Cycling Centre Management Committee runs and operates the Mattamy National Cycling Centre in order to achieve and maintain financial viability.  

Milton Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Milton Accessibility Advisory Committee advises Milton Council on maintaining a barrier-free community with universal accessibility for all residents and visitors.

Requirements: General eligibility, plus a majority of members must be citizens with disabilities. Other members should have an interest in matters regarding persons with disabilities. 

Milton Hydro 

The Milton Hydro Board of Directors oversees Milton Hydro Distribution Inc. and its subsidiaries to protect the investment of the shareholders. They will also establish and maintain the financial and capital structure of Milton Hydro. 

Milton Public Library Board

Board members are essential in providing governance and financial oversight for the library. 

Requirements: General eligibility, plus experience in the development of strategic plans and recent experience on a public library or not for profit board. 

Milton Youth Task Force

The Milton Youth Task Force encourages youth to participate and have a voice in the Milton community. We want to encourage youth engagement by providing a way for youth to provide input and feedback.

Property Standards Appeal Committee

The mandate of the Property Standards Appeal Committee is to hear appeals from the Orders of Property Standards Officers on properties not meeting the minimum requirements as set out in the Town’s Property Standards By-law.

Requirements: General eligibility, plus knowledge of the Ontario Building Code Act and understanding of municipal law practices would be considered an asset.