The Town of Milton strives to be accessible in all communications to ensure materials are available for all members of the public. Applicants are not required to submit their application documents in an accessible format. To receive a copy of any of the plans and reports submitted with the development applications listed below, or you require in an accessible format, please contact us and the Town will provide you with the necessary documents.

Current development applications in Ward 4

Milton Land Four Investments Inc. – Tremaine Road south of Derry Road

Town File: 24T-23001/M

Located on the west side of Tremaine Road, south of Derry Road, this application is proposing the first phase of the lands to facilitate the development of a long term care retirement facility.

Current status

The applicant has submitted a draft plan of subdivision and is currently under technical review.

Contact us if you have a comment on the development. Subscribe to receive updates directly to your inbox about this proposed development including its status and upcoming public meetings.

Public consultation

The Province of Ontario introduced changes to the Planning Act under Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, plans of subdivision applications no longer require statutory public meetings.

Shadybrook and Stevenson Developments - Bronte St. S.

Town Files: 24T-14012/M & Z-17/14

Located on Bronte Street South, the Shadybrook and Stevenson development application includes a rezoning application and Shadybrook draft subdivision proposal for a subdivision with 366 units.

Current status

 This development is currently on hold due to the Allocation Program.

Mattamy (Milton West) Limited – Britannia Road and Regional Road 25

Town Files: Z-02/18

The applicant, Mattamy (Milton West) Limited, has resubmitted an updated planning application with changes to the original concepts. The applicant is seeking an amendment to the Town of Milton Zoning By-law 016-2014, as amended, to rezone the subject lands from the current future development zone to a site-specific mixed use zone. The resubmitted application has been made to facilitate the development of eight buildings ranging in height from 10 to 15 storeys, which contain 1,571 residential units and approximately 929 square metres of ground floor commercial uses.

Current status

The Zoning By-law Amendment was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal. Information regarding the hearing process is available on the Tribunal's website. 

Supporting documents and drawings

The following studies and drawings were submitted with the application.  They are currently under technical review by staff and commenting agencies.  Please note, if you require an accessible version of these documents, please contact the Planning Department.

January 2024 submission documents
2023 submission documents