The Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI ECA) program is an opportunity for Municipalities to approve low-risk infrastructure on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). CLI ECA will streamline the ECA approval process and provide the Town of Milton approval authority for stormwater infrastructure.  

It is important to note that the Town of Milton will only be accepting applications for stormwater infrastructure. For Water and Wastewater CLI ECA approvals please contact Halton Region directly.

Types of alterations/modifications permitted

In accordance with the Environmental Protection Act, The Town of Milton’s CLI ECA allows the Town to approve additions, modifications, replacements and extensions to the Town’s Stormwater Management System. This includes; all connected stormwater management works within land owned and/or operated by the Town of Milton, including storm sewers, stormwater management facilities, water quality treatment devices and low impact development (LID) infrastructure.

When is a CLI ECA SWM permit required?

A CLI ECA SWM permit from the Town is required if a project proposes an alteration to the system including:

  • An extension of the system
  • A replacement or retirement of part of the system, or
  • A modification of, addition to, or enlargement of the system

When is a CLI ECA not required?

A CLI ECA SWM permit is NOT required by the Town for:

  • Exceptions identified in the Town’s CLI ECA Schedule D, Sections 3.1, 4.3, 5.3 & 6.3
  • Private Stormwater Infrastructure *The Town will still process these works under the Transfer of Review program, please contact Engineering staff for application requirements
  • LID on residential properties

Before permit application

All development applications must adhere to the Planning Act requirements and follow the Town’s development review process.

Design standards and guidance material

The following standards and guidelines listed below are not meant to be an exhaustive list of resources but must be used as a minimum guidance for design. All designs must reflect the most conservative of the standards listed below.

Additional resources

The publications listed above are updated from time to time. Applicants are encouraged to obtain publications directly from the MECP, TRCA/CVC, Halton Region and Conservation Halton websites. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the most up-to-date version of the design standards and guidelines are referenced.

CLI ECA submission requirements

All CLI ECA application submissions must include the following documents as outlined in the Town of Milton cover letter:

  • SW1, SW2 and SW3 Forms as appropriate signed and dated by applicant and design engineer; including reference to 24T Number and Phase, SPA Number or other appropriate identifier along with the common development name:
  • SW1 Form: Storm Sewers, Ditches and Culverts
  • SW2 Form: Stormwater Management Facilities (including water quality treatment devices)
  • SW3 Form: Third Pipe Collection System
  • Stormwater Management Report, signed and stamped by P.Eng
  • Storm Sewer Design Sheets (if applicable), signed and stamped by P.Eng
  • Stormwater Management Pond Design Brief, signed and stamped by P.Eng (if application includes a pond)
  • Summary of SWM Infrastructure and Road Data, including street name, pipe diameter, length and material of pipe (if application includes storm sewers)
  • Applicable Engineering Drawings (signed and stamped by design engineer)
  • Operation and Maintenance Report including Operating Authority Contact Information
  • Applicable Town of Milton Zoning By-law and associated Schedules
  • Source Water Protection – CLI ECA Application Screening Form (obtained from Halton Region )
  • Conservation Halton or Niagara Escarpment Commission Permit or clearance letter (if required)


CLI ECA fees are collected under the Town’s User Fee By-law Schedule J Engineering Services.

Fees can be paid via cash or cheque to:

Town of Milton
150 Mary Street, Milton, ON L9T 6Z5
(905) 878-7252

Please include the site name, 24T or SPA number with payment and reference to CLI ECA.

Application submission

Please contact our Engineering staff to submit your application.

Annual reports

For any questions, please contact our Engineering staff.