Public service announcement

The Town of Milton will hold a statutory public meeting to gather public input on the first sections of the Town’s updated Official Plan.

This represents the next step in the multi-year We Make Milton project to develop a new Official Plan that will manage local growth and development to the year 2051.

After significant public engagement, the project team has refined the first set of high-level new Official Plan policies. These sections relate to sustainable growth and livable communities, with more detailed land-use policies still in development.

Meeting details:

  • This hybrid meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 9, 2024, in Council Chambers (150 Mary Street, Milton.)
  • Milton invites the community to attend and participate in this statutory public meeting, in person or electronically.
  • Members of the public are also encouraged to view the meeting live stream and to view the report to Council on or after Dec. 2, 2024.  
  • If you wish to delegate to this Council meeting, please complete the online delegation form by noon on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024.

The community can also visit Let’s Talk Milton to explore documents, watch for engagement opportunities, and share thoughts on any Official Plan topic any time.


In 2021, Milton Council endorsed a modern, forward-looking land-use vision for the new Official Plan that reflects our diverse, young, and innovative community: ‘Milton 2051: Choice Shapes Us. In 2051, Milton offers a diversity of options for how and where we live, work, move and grow. As we evolve, choice is what shapes us.’

See the complete notice for this statutory public meeting.

Review the updated draft Official Plan (parts one to three).

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For media inquiries, please contact:

Rob Faulkner
Senior Advisor, Public Relations
Email Communications Staff