Notice of study commencement

The Town of Milton is creating a Stormwater Management Master Plan to develop a preferred strategy for the effective management of stormwater. The Master Plan will follow Approach #2 and will help identify and effectively prioritize areas of concern and create a plan for cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable solutions.

The objective of this plan is to assess the Town’s existing stormwater infrastructure, identify vulnerabilities, and inform short- and long-term planning to manage combined impacts of climate change and future development. The plan will identify constraints and opportunities related to managing the Town’s stormwater system. The plan will act as a decision-making guide for prioritizing, estimating, budgeting, and addressing projects, to meet the future needs of our environment and growing community. The plan will also incorporate new policy directives (e.g., Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval from the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks) as well as recommendations for new policies.

The Process

The Stormwater Management Master Plan will be completed according to the Municipal Engineers Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA), (2000, as amended in 2007, 2011, 2015, 2023 and 2024), which is an approved Class of Environmental Assessment under Ontario’s Environmental Assessment Act. Results from this study will be documented in an environmental assessment that will be made available for a 30-day public review period. At that time, residents, Indigenous communities and other interested persons or groups will be informed of how to review the environmental assessment.

For more information

Visit the Stormwater Management Master Plan page for project information and updates. To provide your comments, request additional information, be added to the project mailing list, or if you require this notice to be provided in an alternative format as per the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005), please contact Development Services.

This notice was first issued on December 19 ,2024.

Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.