Posted on Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Public service announcement

The Town of Milton invites residents to an information session where they can review draft recommendations that will shape how people and goods move for years to come.

Milton’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) update will guide all modes of transportation and identify strategic improvements for each mode, to achieve a multi-modal future.

The project team is now ready to share preliminary recommendations, informed by Milton’s priorities and growth plan, provincial policy directions, and previous public input.

Public Information Centre #2

  • Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
  • Sherwood Community Centre (6355 Main St W, Milton).
  • This is a “drop-in” style session, with no formal presentations. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions to the project team and provide feedback at their own pace.

Town staff will be on hand to:

  • Present preliminary recommendations for walking, cycling, transit, and road improvements.
  • Discuss recommended strategies for walking and cycling, transit, traffic safety, and moving goods.
  • Gather feedback to finalize and complete the Transportation Master Plan update.

The presentation will be posted for online comments before PIC #2.

Learn more at

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For media inquiries, please contact: 

Rob Faulkner
Senior Advisor, Public Relations
Email Communications Staff