
The Town of Milton has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study for Main Street East between Fifth Line and Trafalgar Road. The study builds on the Town’s Transportation Master Plan (2018), which identified the need for an easterly roadway extension to improve east-west connectivity and support future development in the Derry Green Corporate Business Park and Agerton Secondary Plan areas.

The Class EA study will review the available background information, identify the needs and opportunities in the study area, and develop and evaluate a range of multi-modal transportation alternatives to support future travel demand. 


The study will be carried out in accordance with Schedule ‘C’ of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended 2023), an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.

Consultation with the public, regulatory agencies, stakeholders, and Indigenous Communities is a key component of Class EA process and input will be sought at the key milestones of this study. Details regarding future Public Information Centres (PIC) will be advertised as the study progresses. Upon completion of the study, an Environmental Study Report (ESR) will be prepared and on the public record for a minimum 30-day review period. The document will detail the planning and consultation process and the preferred alternative.

Stay connected

For further information about the Class EA study please visit the project page.

If you wish to be added to the study mailing list, please contact David Muraca.

This notice first issued Dec. 7, 2023.