The Town of Milton recently completed a Master Plan in accordance with Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process to prepare the 2024 Milton Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update. The TMP was prepared to guide multi-modal transportation investments and accommodate the travel needs of significant forecasted population and economic growth in the Town to the year 2051.
This Notice of Completion (NOC) is being issued to advise the public and interested parties of the results of the TMP and to invite review and public comments on the study, in accordance with the Environmental Assessment Act. The NOC places the Transportation Master Plan Update on public record for a 30-day review period beginning December 18, 2024. Given the time of year, the 30-day review period is being extended and all comments are requested by January 31, 2025.
The purpose of the NOC is to make clear the Class EA Schedules for the individual projects recommended in the TMP and to identify the projects from the TMP that are eligible for Section 16 Order Requests. Projects eligible for a Section 16 Order request as part of the TMP generally include the projects listed in Section of the TMP. Anticipated Schedule B projects recommended in the TMP can be found below.
Project Type |
Project Description |
Schedule |
Road Network Improvement |
Ontario Street South (Derry Road to Main Street East) |
B |
Road Network Improvement |
New North South Street MTSA (EW Street to Main Street East) |
B |
Road Network Improvement |
Nipissing Road Extension MTSA (Nipissing Road to Ontario Street South) |
B |
Intersection Improvement |
Main Street East and Ontario Street North – 30m Westbound Right Turn Lane |
B |
Intersection Improvement |
Main Street East and Thompson Road – 30m Eastbound & Southbound Right Turn Lanes |
B |
Intersection Improvement |
Ontario Street South and Childs Drive – 30m Northbound Right Turn Lane |
B |
Intersection Improvement |
Ontario Street South and Laurier Avenue – 30m Northbound & Southbound Right Turn Lanes |
B |
Intersection Improvement |
Thompson Road North and Maple Avenue – 30m Westbound Right Turn Lane and Repurposing Existing Through-Left to Left Turn Lane |
B |
Intersection Improvement |
Thompson Road S and Laurier Avenue – 20m Eastbound & Westbound Right Turn Lanes |
B |
If concerns cannot be resolved through discussions with the Town, a request to the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order imposing additional conditions or requiring a comprehensive environmental assessment may be made on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate, or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests should include your full name and contact information. Please visit the ministry’s website for more information on requests for orders under section 16 of the Environmental Assessment Act. Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (additional conditions or a comprehensive environmental assessment), explain how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy potential adverse impacts, and can include supporting information.
Requests must be made in writing to the Minister within 30 calendar days from issuance of notice as follows:
Minister Toronto ON, M7A 2J3 |
Director, Environmental Permissions Branch |
In addition, a copy of the request must also be sent to the Town Clerk at the following address:
Heide Schlegl, Traffic Manager, Engineering Services 150 Mary Street Milton, ON, L9T 6Z5 |
If there is no “request” received by January 31, 2025, the TMP Schedule “B” Class Environmental Assessments will be implemented and will proceed as presented in the TMP.
The TMP is available for review online. Thank you to all those who participated and provided feedback.
Contact Information
Updates will be posted on the Town’s website.
Comments or questions? Please feel free to contact:
Heide Schlegl, C.E.T., MITE, Dipl. M.M.
Manager, Traffic
Engineering Services
150 Mary Street
Milton, ON, L9T 6Z5
905-878-7252 ext. 2506
Contact Us